Our Technology
Neuro Sport
Sports Vision Training
With the help of kinesiologists and athletic therapists, the NeuroSport department focuses on specific training of vestibular and visual functions with the aim of improving sports performance. The programs are adapted to the specific demands of each sport or activity.
To improve:
- Concentration
- Stress management
- Visualization
Vision of the game
- Peripheral vision
- Depth vision/3D
- Accommodation, convergence and divergence
Reaction speed
- Anticipation, timing
- Eye-hand/eye-foot coordination
- Visual reaction speed
- Precision and recognition speed
Training Camps
Our personalized programs
Training Facility
We offer training programs at our clinic but we can also travel.
- Training programs at our site
- At the training location of sport clubs or organizations
Developed and designed on request, according to the specificity of each club, federation, or association, training camps of four to six weeks can take place directly on the site of Performance NeuroVision or at the training facility of the club. As we must manage the schedule of the team of kinesiologists and athletic therapists, as well as the movement of equipment, these camps must be organized one to two months in advance.
A minimum of sixteen athletes is required, and the club, federation or association must prepare the space necessary for training as well as the secure storage of equipment for the duration of the camp. Three meetings are to be planned in order to ensure its success:
1. Establishment of needs and objectives, taking information related to club training sites and their distance from the Performance NeuroVision site, creation of a schedule, including, if needed, a presentation of the project (conference) to athletes/parents/assistant coaches.
2. Presentation of the typical project, with budget.
3. Finalization of schedules with dates, and start of the organization of the camp.
The visual and motor functions to be worked on are determined according to the specificities of each sport (refer to this section), and may include taking basic functional data (baselines).
The first day of the camp lasts 60 min for the SVT evaluation, and an additional 60 min for the kinesiology evaluation per athlete (optional).
The programs are personalized according to the results obtained from the athlete during the first day and according to the objectives established by the coaches. Each visit lasts 45 min per SVT session; overtime is to be expected if the club opts for the addition of the kinesiology program. A frequency of two to three SVT sessions per week is recommended for obtaining optimal results.
It should be noted that these group camps are punctual and that individual follow-up can be planned at the PNV sites, at any time, afterwards.
Relapse prevention
With the help of a multidisciplinary team, the NeuroRehabilitation service aims to improve balance (proprioception), and coordination between the cervical, visual and vestibular triad.
- Concussions
- Dizziness/ Light-headedness
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
- Difficulty concentrating
Our Technology
State-of-the-art technology is used to obtain measurements of our clients' progress. Due to that, it is possible to adjust the exercises, and to keep up the motivation and the effort needed to get to the number of reps that leads to improvement!
With our "toys", the training and active rehabilitation room becomes a playroom so better to enjoy it!

Neuro Tracker
To better see and follow moving objects


Ability to maintain a high level of attention despite multiple distractions.

Peripheral Attention
To perceive one's own position as well as the objects in the surrounding environment. For example: see the game.

Coordinate their position and their movements.

Visual Memory
Create a visual image from the memory of visual information

3D viewing
Depth perception
The NeuroTracker cognitive training system was set up by Dr. Jocelyn Faubert at Université de Montréal, and the research has been ongoing for more than 20 years, at UdM and around the world.
The various research have demonstrated its effectiveness for the following areas:
• Focus
• Peripheral Attention
• Balance
• Visual memory
• 3D viewing
- Perceptual-cognitive training for athletes
- 3D visual perception training
- Transfer of skills in soccer
- Training and performance measures in Olympic-level multisport athletes
- Performance training and cognitive training
- Correlation of datas with NBA players
- Indicator of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI): performance during baselines for athletes is significantly lower for athletes with active mTBI vs athletes without it
- Improvement of working memory in the military population
- mTBI indicator: performance during baselines for athletes is significantly lower for athletes with active mTBI vs athletes without it
- Memory improvement in the elderly
- Improved learning abilities in the elderly
- Improved learning abilities for students with learning difficulties
- Attention training for people with ADHD
- Attention training
- Improved cognitive functions
As the NeuroTracker research department is still active, new studies are in progress, and will be taken into account as soon as they are published.
- Large 3D screen to cover the visual field
- 3D glasses
Training of:
- Dynamic vision and tracking of multiple objects in simultaneously in 3D
- Attention to the peripheral visual field
- Visual memory
- Concentration
- Balance
The trainings with NT are progressive, and of short duration. Equipped with 3D glasses, you follow the simultaneous movement of 8 balls in space on a large 3D screen for 10 to 20 repetitions of 6 seconds each. As the balls move in the three directions, one, two, three or four of them, previously identified, must be followed. When the movement stops on the screen, the balls identified at the beginning must be memorized and named. The software adjusts the level of difficulty of each trial according to the correctness of the answer of the previous trial. A good answer implies the automatic acceleration of the speed of the balls for the following trial, or vice versa, a wrong answer causes the balls to be slowed down for the next trial. Each cycle of 20 trials establishes a session, and a maximum of 3 sessions are performed per visit. Our coaches are trained to guide progress between trials, offer breaks or feedback during training, as well as manage the level of challenges to add each session.
Possible Challenges
In-room/clinical sessions with the Neuro Tracker (NT) can be tailored to individual needs. Although everyone begins in a seated position, balance challenges are quickly added, along with additional tasks, such as bouncing a ball, riding a bike, or standing on a balance board, etc. The choice of challenges is adjusted for age, and for the specific sports or activities of each of our customers!
Available Services
- NT alone
- Combo NT and Dynavision D2
- NT and fitness combo
- Combo NT, D2 and fitness
Neuro Tracker X
Online Training

The next generation of NeuroTracker
The new generation of NeuroTracker, NeuroTrackerX completes the training started with the NeuroVision team at home.
You can complete the programs prepared by our team of professionals from your home, under our supervision!
Dynavision D2™
Improves speed and performance

The Skills
measured and trained by the Dynavision D2™ include:

Gross Motor Skills
To combine the balance of the spine and the lower limbs, the perception of visual information, and the speed and the precision of the response with the upper limbs.

Peripheral Attention
Well-developed peripheral attention allows an athlete to see everything at once.

Neurocognitive skills
Succeed in several simultaneous tasks, such as those described on this page, while memorizing letters or numbers or doing mathematical calculations.

Reaction time
This is the time required to integrate what we see, make a decision and take action.
Dynavision D2™
Dynavision D2™
- 4’ x 4’ board adjustable to height
- 64 raised lights/targets spread over 5 rings
- Adjustable targets for location, color, frequency and duration
- Tachytoscope (T-Scope): small screen on which appear, depending on the mode chosen, numbers, letters, texts or symbols
«Quick decisions, quick reactions, optimal athletic performance»
Athletes of all ages can train using the D2 at our facility to improve their reaction time, visual attention and ability to make decisions under stress.
- Nascar
- Manchester United
- Ohio State University
- Miami Dolphins
«Better peripheral awareness, better reflexes, greater concentration for a more efficient daily life»
Recognized as an important tool in rehabilitation including clinical assessment and training of cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) and mild traumatic brain injury (TMBI). It allows for an assessment that motivates the youngest to the oldest of patients for a variety of conditions. The D2 assesses visual acuity and cognitive management for mTBI, stroke, low vision patients, driving retraining, and other visuomotor or neurocognitive conditions.
- Mayo Clinic
- Johns Hopkins Hospital
«Better training for better tactics is better security»
Military, police and SWAT specialists need excellent physical and cognitive preparation. The D2 dynamically trains these specialists to read situations and react to them under pressure. The trainings help to manage a high number of stimuli, improve depth perception, peripheral attention, and thus contribute to decreasing tunnel vision and operational fatigue.
- U.S. Air Force Academy
- Naval Medical Center
- Canadian Armed Forces
The Dynavision D2™ is a light board with US FDA-approved software that can be customized to set up motivating, multi-skill training programs.
The Dynavision D2™ enables objective and innovative measurements of different abilities. It is used not only in rehabilitation, but also in sport trainings and tactical teams such as the armed forces and police.